About the Author

Werner Breedt

Field Guide

Werner guided at Londolozi from 2014-2016, but misses it so much now that he is based down in the Western Cape, that he begged to be able to continue contributing to the blog. Look out for his posts on a wide range of ...

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on What is the Most Elusive Creature?

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Alison Belknap

A ranger at Kwandwe asked me what I most wanted to see (after quite a few visits to South African private game reserves) and I listed “caracal, pangolin and honey badger”. He and the rest of the rangers worked HARD all week to find any of these three, without success! Of the three, I would most like to see a caracal, preferably in action. I’ll need more trips, more game drives, more sundowners…shame!

Hi Alison! Tough task for the rangers finding those animals! I think a caracal in action would be the holy grail of wildlife sightings. That should be enough motivation for anyone to visit the bush again!

Master Tracker

You cannot mention elusive creatures without mentioning the otter

That is quite true Ian. Elusive is one thing, an otter is another…



Thanks for sharing these rare and beautifull photos of rare animals, this is special as mentioned in the article.

Marie Bauer

Great article. I was suddenly excited for South Africa again. !

gerard gaynor

Thanku guys, I ama Vaark fan but the beauty of the Caracal is truly impressive 🙂

Wow, what a beautiful animal — I would love to see a Caracal as well Werner! I’m happy to see the great photographs (for now anyway) though, and the Pangolin would also be amazing to see…what a unique looking creature! Thank you for a great blog and wonderful pictures and keep us posted on your and Euce’s next venture out to find a Caracal.

Hi there Jill! Will certainly do that!

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